“Helping people who are in trouble”
Even if you live in Maastricht or Groningen, I will come to you if you can’t come to Hoofddorp. In the evening, if necessary, and it won’t cost you anything. You can also call me or send an app. And you don’t have to worry if you can’t afford my legal services. Because to me, that’s what it’s about: helping people who are in trouble, even if they can’t afford a lawyer.
About M. Raaijmakers LL.M., (Mark)
Mark helps individuals and entrepreneurs with legal issues in the areas of tenancy law, debt collection, attachment and enforcement, bankruptcy, debt restructuring, criminal law, social security law, family law and statutory rights and duties between neighbours. You can always call or email Mark for advice, also in other legal areas.
Direct contact? Call or app Mark Raaijmakers
Education: VU University Amsterdam (Business Law, European & International Law)
Lawyer since: 2007
Free lawyer, how does that work?
Can’t pay a lawyer? I will apply for publicly funded legal aid (pro bono) on your behalf – you don’t have to do this yourself. Funded legal aid means that you only pay a personal contribution.
If you have a problem with your social welfare benefits or debt rescheduling (WSNP cases), you are automatically eligible for funded legal aid with the lowest personal contribution. Are you unable to pay the personal contribution or do you have no income? In that case I will compensate the personal contribution and you don’t have to pay anything at all.
Has your WSNP application been rejected? You must respond immediately!
Has your application for debt rescheduling under the Debt Rescheduling Act (WSNP) been rejected by the court? Has your WSNP scheme been terminated prematurely? Or did you not get a clean slate? Contact me immediately. We must act quickly, as you have to appeal against the decision within eight days.
I’m also at your service if:
- your administrator wishes to terminate the scheme
- you are facing imminent eviction from your rented house
Problems with your social welfare benefits? Free assistance
Are you having problems with your social welfare benefits? For example:
- your application has been rejected
- you receive too little
- your benefits have been cut
- you have been fined
- your benefits are to be terminated
If so, get in touch with me. I will ensure you get the help you need, free of charge. You don’t even have to pay a personal contribution.
Session at the public prosecutor’s office or court of justice?
Have you been summoned to a session at the public prosecutor’s office, for example a TOM session (a session in which a public prosecutor’s clerk offers a settlement penalty) for a community service order or study order? Or have you been summoned to appear before the magistrate? Call or email me, I will request the file and together we will prepare a thorough defence of your case.
Non-payment and debt collection
Are you an entrepreneur and are you dealing with a customer who refuses to pay? I can start an effective debt collection procedure and, if necessary, ensure that precautionary attachments are made to secure your claim. Collecting money claims is one of my strengths, and I can access all methods available for this.
Detainment for outstanding fines
Are you being detained because of an outstanding fine? Or is it likely that you will be detained? Contact me immediately. I will do everything in my power to ensure that you are not detained or that you are released again as soon as possible. I have helped release hundreds of victims of detainment for outstanding fines.
Why are you being detained by the government? The Central Fine Collection Agency (CJIB) uses detainment as a means of coercion for people to pay their fines. But this coercion does not always make sense, for instance if someone wants to but is unable to pay – that is inability to pay, not unwillingness to pay. In case of inability to pay, detainment has no effect whatsoever. If you do not have the money to pay, going to prison will not change that.
The issue of detainment in extreme cases, where someone wants to but is unable to pay, is controversial:
- Watch the Pauw en Witteman episode on detention for failure to pay a fine
- Read the report by national Ombudsman Reinier van Zutphen: Detained by the system
Mark Raaijmakers brings charges against Staatsloterij
In a high-profile lawsuit against Staatsloterij, the Dutch State Lottery, Mark Raaijmakers won the case on behalf of almost 200,000 victims who registered with Loterijverlies.nl. The Court of Appeal has established that Staatsloterij made misleading statements about:
- guaranteed prizes
- the odds of winning
- the number of prizes won
- the amount of the prizes
This ruling was upheld by the Supreme Court. It opened the door to compensation for participants of Staatsloterij who had registered with Loterijverlies.nl. The ruling also led to a run on registrations with Loterijverlies.nl.
Mark keeps track of the position of all those affected and continues to work on their behalf for financial compensation. The action for damages is currently pending before the Court of The Hague.
"mr. Mark Raaijmakers is een gedreven advocaat die met hart en ziel je zaak verdedigt. Wat maakt hem zo speciaal? Hij staat met beiden benen op de grond, diepe levenservaring, kent beiden zijdes van de medaille en behandelt je als mens. Dank je Mark voor je enorme inzet!"
Albert van B.

"In het anderhalf jaar dat mr. Raaijmakers mij vertegenwoordigd heb ik hem leren kennen als een advocaat die op de eerste plaats luistert naar hoe je zelf tegen een zaak aankijkt om vervolgens zijn visie weer te geven, kortom , een sociaal bewogen advocaat zonder hebzucht mentaliteit waarvoor de (mensen)rechten op de eerste plaats komen."
Aad van B.